Delphinus. It has an apparent magnitude of 10.9 and lies 7,500 light years away. It has an apparent size of 0.33′ by 0.3′. The two were later married. The star’s name, Aldulfin, comes from its traditional name, Deneb Dulfim, derived from the Arabic ðanab ad-dulfÄ«n, meaning “the dolphin’s tail.” The name was translated into Latin as Cauda Delphini. The star is 19.5 times more luminous than the Sun. Later, Arion confronted the sailors and had them sentenced to death. Both stars are classified as Delta Scuti variables, young pulsating stars whose brightness varies as they expand and contract. Delphinus has five stars with known planets and contains no Messier objects. The star names approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) are Aldulfin (Epsilon Delphini), Musica (18 Delphini), Rotanev (Beta Delphini A), Shama (HAT-P-23), and Sualocin (Alpha Delphini Aa). Delphinus or the Dolphin is a small constellation in the northern hemisphere. Delphinus constellation is located in the northern sky. Rho Aquilae is known by its traditional name, Tso Ke, which means “left flag” in Mandarin. It was the site of the Pythian Games and the legendary Oracle ' Pythia ' ("the Python"; constellations can have a number of related symbols). NGC 7003, image: Sloan Digital Sky Survey. It was discovered by Scottish astronomer Ralph Copeland on 22 September, 1884. For his service Poseidon placed the dolphin amongst the stars as the constellation Delphinus. The cluster was discovered by William Herschel on September 24, 1785. Delphinus) is a small constellation of the northern hemisphere. Delphinus is a small but distinctive constellation that is visible in the late summer and early autumn months in the northern hemisphere. Mythology. If it exists, the planet has a mass of at least 0.7 Jupiter masses and orbits the host star with a period of 1.44 years (525.6 days) from a distance of 1.5 astronomical units. Corrections? It is classified as a LINER galaxy. After many rebuffed attempts he decided to try a new approach. Its estimated age is about 227 million years., Delphinus - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). It has a visual magnitude of 4.03 and lies at distance of 330 light years. They are associated with the ancient Greek musician and poet Arion, whose life was saved by dolphins at sea. Delphinus contains five formally named stars. The properties of the companion, Alpha Delphini Ab, are difficult to determine because it is considerably fainter and too close to the brighter primary. Alpha (Sualocin), Beta (Rotanev), Gamma and Delta Delphini form the dolphin’s body and Aldulfin (Epsilon Delphini) marks the tail. The four brightest stars form a diamond-shaped asterism called “Job’s Coffin.” In Greek mythology there are two stories about this constellation. The constellation's two brightest stars are sometimes called Rotanev and Sualocin. It is also associated with the story of Arion, the Greek poet and musician whose life was saved by dolphins at sea. NGC 6934 is a relatively large globular cluster near the star Epsilon Delphini. The cluster is part of the galactic halo, a region of the Milky Way spherical in shape and consisting of gas, dark matter and the occasional star cluster. Aldulfin can be found by extending a line from Vega, one of the three bright stars that form the Summer Triangle, through Albireo, the star at the base of the Northern Cross (or at the beak of the Swan) in Cygnus. It was created by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century. The name of the western constellation in modern Chinese is 海豚座 (hǎi tún zuò), meaning "the dolphin constellation". Globular cluster NGC 6934, photo: Hubble Space Telescope. Delphinus is a small northern group of stars, the 69th in order of area of the modern 88 internationally recognised constellations.It is bordered by Sagitta, Aquila, Aquarius, Equuleus, Pegasus and Vulpecula.What is noteworthy about Delphinus is that it actually resembles, when the stars are joined in the imagination, the creature it is supposed to depict - a dolphin jumping out of the sea. The reason for it being called ‘Delphinus’ meaning dolphin in Latin is, that is represents a dolphin that was sent by Poseidon the sea god to find Amphitrite. Musica is a yellow giant star with a mass 2.3 times that of the Sun and a radius 8.5 times solar. Its time of the year is between and . Apollo, god of music and poetry, placed the dolphin among the constellations, along with the lyre of Arion which is represented by the constellation Lyra. This ranks it 69th in size among the 88 constellations in the night sky. ... Delphinus (Dolphin) This constellation belongs to the zodiac. The most unique star gift in the universe now includes your favourite zodiac or constellation. Delphinus is the 69th largest in terms of size in the night sky. It is also associated with the story of Arion, the Greek poet and musician whose life was saved by dolphins at sea. Omissions? The spiral galaxy NGC 7025 has an apparent magnitude of 13.71 and lies over 207 million light years away. Beta Delphini is the brightest star in Delphinus. It's brightest star is Rotanev at magnitude 3.63. One of these is the northern constellation of Delphinus, which translates to “the Dolphin” in Latin. Read More » Blue Flash Nebula Astronomy According to traditional Chinese uranography, the modern constellation Delphinus is located within the northern quadrant of the sky, which is symbolized as the Black Tortoise of the North (北方玄武, Běi Fāng Xuán Wǔ).. In Chinese astronomy, Left Flag is an asterism formed by Rho Aquilae and several stars in the constellation Sagitta. Its name means “dolphin” in Latin. Delphinus constellation, plate 13 in Urania’s Mirror (1824). Constellation Delphinus is the closest constellation to Pegasus. The diamond-shaped asterism representing the dolphin’s body is also known as Job’s Coffin. The star has the Bayer designation Rho Aquilae because it belonged to the constellation Aquila until 1992, when it moved across the border into Delphinus. NGC 7003 is another spiral galaxy. The main pair form a spectroscopic binary star. In Chinese astronomy, the stars of Delphinus are located within the Black Tortoise of the North (北方玄武, Běi Fāng Xuán Wǔ). Delphinus was … Delta Delphini is a spectroscopic binary star with a combined apparent magnitude of 4.43. PASSIONATE ABOUT DOLPHINS Our goal is to provide our dolphins with the best quality of life; therefore allowing thousands of people to live a unique experience alongside one of the ocean’s most intelligent species. The system’s brightness varies from magnitude 4.38 to 4.49 over a dominant period of 0.1568 days. It occupies 8.4′ of the sky. The host star was formally named Shama at the same time. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Name a star in Delphinus! The common dolphin is Delphinus delphi. Updates? Beta Delphini was discovered to be a binary star in 1873 by the American astronomer S. W. Burnham. Delphinus is the 69th constellation in size, occupying an area of 189 square degrees. It can be seen at latitudes between 90 degrees and -70 degrees. It has an apparent magnitude of 4.94 and lies at an approximate distance of 150 light years from Earth. The two components are separated by only 0.2 arcseconds and can only be resolved interferometrically. The name ‘Delphinus’ is Latin for ‘dolphin’, usually identified as the messenger of Poseidon, sent to entreat the sea nymph Amphitrite to marry him. Mostly, the name was restricted to the asterism formed by Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta Delphini. The stars appear as a single point of light to the naked eye. The Blue Flash Nebula, catalogued as NGC 6905 in the New General Catalogue, is a small but relatively bright planetary nebula located in the constellation Delphinus. Delphi was also known as the center of the world. The constellation name means The Dolphin . The winning names were submitted by the Tokushima Prefectural Jonan High School Science Club of Japan. The planet, designated HD 99109 b, was given the proper name Perwana after the International Astronomical Union’s (IAU) NameExoWorlds campaign in 2019. Delphinus, represents a dolphin, swimming across our celestial ocean east of the bright star Altair in Aquilla. Epsilon Delphini is a blue-white giant of the spectral type B6III. It lies at a distance of 223 light years from the Sun. As one can understand from its name the meaning of Delphinus is “the dolphin” and it is one of the smallest constellations. The boundary of the Delphinus constellation contains 5 stars that host known exoplanets. The stars have apparent magnitudes of 5.14 and 4.27. Delphi was the site of the sanctuary to Phoebus Apollo because Apollo appeared there in the guise of a dolphin. The nebula is about 7,200 light years distant from Earth. The brightest star in Delphinus is Rotanev, with a magnitude of 3.63. The name means “moth” in Urdu. Delphinus Constellation the Dolphin is a northern constellation bordering Aquila and Pegasus. It is one of the Greek constellations, first catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy of Alexandria in the 2nd century CE. The constellation Delphinus, the dolphin, is visible in late summer from the Northern Hemisphere. Like Rotanev, it gets its name from Niccolò Cacciatore. Shama is an orange main sequence star of the spectral type K0V. The companion, Gamma2 Delphini, is larger and more massive, with a size of 6.43 solar radii and a mass of 1.72 solar masses. Delphinus is a Latin name for a dolphin animal. The star is 4.6 times larger than the Sun and about 676 times more luminous. The brightest star in Delphinus is Rotanev, with a magnitude of 3.63. The constellation lies along the southern border of the milky way (north of, but close to the celestial equator.) The discovery was announced on February 19, 2008. NGC 7006 has a visual magnitude of 10.6 and occupies 2.8′ of the apparent sky. The two components orbit each other with a period of 40.605 days. This constellation does not belong to the zodiac. With an effective temperature of 6,303 K, it is 6.9 times more luminous than the Sun. The “dolphin” constellation is rather small in size, ranking 69th on the charts. Both the planet and the star were named after a public nomination and vote in 2015. With a surface temperature of 4,865 K, it shines with 20.8 solar luminosities. Delphinus is “the dolphin” and it is one of the smallest constellations. The galaxy lies about 222 million light years from Earth. In one, the dolphin constellation represents Poseidon’s messenger. Delphinus Constellation spans 7 degrees of the zodiac within Capricorn Constellation, from 13° to 20° Aquarius Sign. The star has an apparent magnitude of 5.506 and lies about 249 light years away. The components are separated by 10.22 arcseconds and orbit each other with a period of 3,249 years. The primary component, Gamma1 Delphini, has a mass 1.57 times that of the Sun and a radius 2.21 times solar. Alpha Delphini is the second brightest star in the constellation. The star’s traditional name, Rotanev, was given to it by the Italian astronomer Niccolò Cacciatore (1770 – 1841). Rotanev spelled backwards is Venator, which is the Latinized version of Cacciatore’s family name, which means “hunter.”. NGC 6905 is a small planetary nebula, bluish in colour. The dolphin constellation “Delphinus “ The northern sky is known to have a number of constellations both big and small; Delphinus is one of these constellations. In one, it is the messenger of the sea god Poseidon. The neighboring constellations are Aquarius, Aquila, Equuleus, Pegasus, Sagitta, and Vulpecula. This northern constellation is known for its close proximity to the celestial equator. Delphinus Constellation Map, by IAU and Sky&Telescope magazine. Delphinus or the Dolphin is a small constellation in the northern hemisphere. The dolphin found the nymph, soothed her and brought her back to the god. Arion was sailing back to Greece after a concert tour of southern Italy when the sailors who were also on the ship started plotting to kill him and take the money he had earned. Surrounded, Arion asked them to let him sing one last song. With a metallicity 2.07 times that of the Sun, the star has an estimated age of more than 12.2 billion years. Erik Gregersen is a senior editor at Encyclopaedia Britannica, specializing in the physical sciences and technology. Before joining Britannica in 2007, he worked at the University of Chicago Press on the... Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. It is a suspected variable star. Later on, it has become the part of 88 modern constellations listed by IAU. Delphinus takes up 188.549 sq. The sailors allowed this, and Arion’s music drew several dolphins to the ship. In this version of the myth, Apollo placed the dolphin next to the constellation Lyra in the sky, and Lyra represents Arion’s lyre. The star is slightly less massive than the Sun, with 93% of the Sun’s mass, and it shines with 0.724 solar luminosities. Delphinus, meaning “the dolphin” in Latin, was one of the 48 constellations catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in his 2nd century treatise called Almagest. The four brightest stars form a diamond-shaped asterism called “Job’s Coffin.” In Greek The constellation Delphinus lies in the region of the sky between the bright Altair in the constellation Aquila and the Great Square of Pegasus. Delphinus, (Latin: “Dolphin”) small constellation in the northern sky at about 21 hours right ascension and 10° north in declination. The constellation is home to several interesting deep sky objects: the globular clusters NGC 6934 and NGC 7006, and the planetary nebulae NGC 6891 and NGC 6905 (the Blue Flash Nebula). In Chinese astronomy, the stars of Delphinus are located within the Black Tortoise of the North (北方玄武, Běi Fāng Xuán Wǔ). It is neither large nor bright, but it is a distinctive constellation and once you find it, you will always remember it. Rho Aquilae itself is known as the Ninth Star of Left Flag. One of the dolphins saved him and carried him all the way back to Greece. The Dolphin (lat. Its estimated age is between 50 and 120 million years. They orbit each other with a period of 17 years. degrees of the night sky which equates to 0.46% of the night sky. Delphinus has adopted best practices in veterinary medicine, training and design of facilities. The primary component, Alpha Delphini Aa, has the stellar classification B9IV, indicating a blue-white subgiant star. Delphinus lies in a part of the sky referred to the "water" section, due to the number of water-related constellations in the surrounding sky: Aquarius, Cetus, Eridanus, Pisces, and Piscis Austrinus. The Myth Behind the Constellation Delphinus Delphinus, “The Dolphin” earned his place in the night sky by helping out the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon. They are separated by only 0.44 arcseconds, which makes them difficult to resolve in a telescope. A candidate planet orbiting the companion was announced in 1999, but it has not yet been confirmed. Delphinus, (Latin: “Dolphin”) small constellation in the northern sky at about 21 hours right ascension and 10° north in declination. From topastronomer. Shama means “flame” or “small lamp.” Both names come from Pakistan. Nereid riding dolphin, Apulian red-figure plate C4th B.C., State Hermitage Museum DELPHIN was a dolphin-shaped sea daimon in the service of the god Poseidon.When his master was wooing the Nereid Amphitrite and she fled, Delphin was sent to find the nymphe and persuade her to agree to the marriage. It's brightest star is (not in database). A planet was confirmed to be orbiting Shama in 2006. The system lies at a distance of 101 light years from Earth. Delpinus is easy to find because its brightest stars form a distinct asterism that represents the celestial dolphin. It hosted a Type II supernova, designated SN 2011dk, first observed on May 12, 2011. The Delphinus constellation (its name means ‘dolphin’ in Latin, represents the dolphin sent by the sea god Poseidon to find Amphitrite, the Nereid he wanted to marry and was first catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century. It has a visual magnitude of 13.76 and an estimated diameter of 80,800 light years. With an apparent magnitude of 9.10, it is invisible to the naked eye. In Greek mythology, Delphinus is identified with the dolphin that helped the god Poseidon win over Amphitrite, a Nereid who had been fleeing from his advances. In the other, it is the dolphin that rescued the poet Arion from drowning. Gamma Delphini is a binary star system composed of a white main sequence star of the spectral type F7V and an orange subgiant with the stellar classification K1IV. It can be observed in a six-inch telescope. Its brightness has been observed to vary from magnitude 3.95 to 4.05. In Greek mythology, Delphinus represents a dolphin who was a … They orbit each other with a period of 26.66 years. The brightest star in the constellation is Rotanev, Beta Delphini, with an apparent magnitude of 3.617. Alpha Delphini Aa is formally named Sualocin. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. It is approximately 52,000 light years distant and has a visual magnitude of 8.83. It is a multiple star consisting of a physical pair, designated Alpha Delphini A, and five fainter stars, designated Alpha Delphini B, C, D, E, and F, which are likely optical companions. As such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year. 18 Delphini has a confirmed exoplanet in its orbit. Delphinus constellation is located in the northern sky. There are two myths associated with the constellation Delphinus. When the sea god courted the nymph Amphitrite, one of the Nereids, she resisted his advances and took refuge among her sisters. The star system is about 1.79 billion years old and it consists of a pair of white stars of the spectral types F5 III and F5 IV, a giant and a subgiant. In Greek mythology, the constellation represents the dolphin sent by the sea god Poseidon to find Amphitrite, the Nereid he wanted to marry. It lies in the fourth quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ4) and can be seen at latitudes between +90° and -70°. They have a combined spectral class of kA7hF0mF0(IV-V), indicating a white star that is coming to an end of its main sequence lifetime. This sky map shows how the constellation Delphinus the Dolphin at about 10 p.m. Delphinus belongs to the Heavenly Waters family of constellations, along with Carina, Columba, Equuleus, Eridanus, Piscis Austrinus, Puppis, Pyxis, and Vela. There are no meteor showers associated with the constellation. Delphinus is Latin for “dolphin,” and historians have traced the dolphin symbolism back to ancient times. Unlike many other constellations, Delphinus actually resembles the sea animal it depicts, making it easily recognizable in the night sky. In Greek mythology, the constellation represents the dolphin sent by the sea god Poseidon to find Amphitrite, the Nereid he wanted to marry. the Dolphin, a northern constellation between Aquila and Pegasus. Delphinus Constellation spans 7 degrees of the zodiac within Capricorn Constellation, from 13° to 20° Aquarius Sign. The planet has a mass at least 10.3 times that of Jupiter and orbits the star from a distance of 2.6 astronomical units with a period of about 993.3 days. It appears close to the star Gamma Delphini. Delphinus (The Dolphin) Constellation Delphinus (pronounced dɛlˈfaɪnəs) is the Latin name of a constellation situated close to the celestial equator. The planet has a mass of at least 0.502 Jupiter masses and orbits the star from a distance of 1.105 astronomical units with a period of 439.3 days. According to the creator of the Ecco series, the stars on Ecco's head are arranged to represent this constellation.. Real Life. Delphinus Constellation the Dolphin is a northern constellation bordering Aquila and Pegasus. Delphinus? Delphinus is a small constellation of the northern hemisphere, spotted by Greek astronomer Ptolemy in 2nd century CE. ET in October 2010 to skywatchers in the Northern Hemisphere. In Greek Mythology, the Dolphin was a messenger of the sea god Poseidon. NGC 7025, image: Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Rho Aquilae is a white main sequence dwarf of the spectral type A2V. As he played, the dolphins swam alongside the ship and Arion decided to take a leap of faith and he jumped overboard. It is a small constellation, occupying an area of only 189 square degrees. These strange names first appeared in the Palermo Catalogue of 1814. It is one of the 48 constellations of antiquity described by Ptolemy.The brightest stars of the Dolphin are called Sualocin and Rotanev which, when read backwards, give the name "Nicolaus Venator". Poseidon sent messengers to find her and bring her to him, among them a dolphin. Delphinus is recognizable for the diamond-shaped pattern formed by its brightest stars, known as Job’s Coffin, which outlines the body of the celestial Dolphin. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). In the other myth, it was Apollo, the god of poetry and music, who placed the dolphin among the constellations for saving the life of Arion, a poet and musician born on the island of Lesbos, whose skill with the lyre made him famous in the 7th century BC. Poseidon decided to honour the dolphin and placed his image among the stars. NGC 7006 is a globular star cluster located approximately 137,000 light years away in the outskirts of the Milky Way. It spans 161,830 light years in diameter. It has a combined apparent magnitude of 3.777 and lies at a distance of 254 light years from Earth. NGC 6891 is a small planetary nebula located near the star Rho Aquilae. It lies at a distance of about 160 light years. The deity was in love with Amphitrite, a Nereid, but she was not interested. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. It is 40 times more luminous than the Sun. Delphinus is one of the smallest constellations in the sky. The constellation Delphinus was also sometimes referred to as Job’s Coffin because of its long, box-like shape. Sitting between constellations of Pegasus & Aquila, Delphinus is a small northern constellation that lies at the edge of the Milky Way. Constellation Delphinus in the cosmos. Aldulfin – ε Delphini (Epsilon Delphini). Description of constellation Dolphin (Delphinus), including a list of interesting astronomical objects. The star has a mass of 2.82 solar masses and a radius 3.92 times that of the Sun. The stars of the Summer Triangle are easy to distinguish because Deneb also marks the top of the Northern Cross, Altair is flanked by the relatively bright Alshain and Tarazed, and Vega is part of Lyra‘s lyre-shaped pattern (similar to that of Delphinus, but slightly larger). The constellation of Delphinus, the Dolphin, is best viewed in Fall during the month of September. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. It is the Latinized version of his first name, Nicolaus, spelled backwards. Its name means “dolphin” in Latin. It has an apparent magnitude of 3.617 and lies at a distance of 101 light years from Earth. Of 2.82 solar masses and a radius 3.92 times that of the Sun and a radius 3.92 that. Rebuffed attempts he decided to honour the dolphin is a small planetary nebula located near the star is Rotanev magnitude! 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