Marriage and divorce of Srirasmi Suwadee. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I devote a fair amount of time to the blog. Queen turns over 25 patronages to other members of... Royal Diplomatic Reception returns to Royal Palace. After Vajiralongkorn put posters all over the palace accusing her of adultery, she fled to London and later to the US with her children — apart from a daughter who was kidnapped and brought back to Bangkok. All four of the sons live in the United States. Tours of Canada from the past 100 Years. They were also told they were never to return to their homeland. News and commentary about the reigning royal houses of the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Spain, Monaco -- and the former European monarchies as well. He has raised his own private army, a formidable palace guard. Prem, who has served the king for decades after having retired as Prime Minister in 1988, is said to be in the fight of his life over his current position as Prayuth chips away at his authority. There are no other viable heirs. King Vajiralongkorn Sons. This includes third party items such as book dealers who sell on Amazon. COVID-19 is holding the world in its grip - and also severely altered my No fans, both in and outside Thailand [image: Katherine Parr, Queen of England] Srirasmi’s enemies say her disreputable background disqualified her from being queen and that they would not prostrate themselves before her, a requirement of respect for the monarch’s wife. After the pair divorced, she and her four sons fled to the United States, where they still live. They say their father arrived in the UK, “took away our little sister” and stripped his sons and wife of their royal status. Cables from the US Embassy, released by Wikileaks in 2010, quoted members of the Privy Council as harboring grave misgivings about the crown prince’s fitness to take the throne, saying he is widely hated and feared because of his irrational behavior. I do not have a paywall or charge for reading articles. Even high school students have joined the … Not too many flattering things have been written about the new King, and I don't see him changing his love of excess anytime soon. years old while his bride was almost tw... Schloss Reichenow All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed or published without the prior approval of Marlene A. Koenig. Some fear that Vajiralongkorn's relationship with Thaksin could mean the new king would adopt some of the … In any case, talk of skipping Vajiralongkorn is problematical. In the meantime, posting contin...,,,,,, The Daily Diadem: The Japanese Crown Princely Wedding Tiara, Vente d’un vase “cratère” en porcelaine de Sèvres, New Reader’s Digest Canada Article: 10 of the Most Memorable Royal Tours of Canada, Empress Hermine and Emperor Wilhelm II – An Unwanted Match – A guest post by Moniek Bloks, Sur les traces de la grande-duchesse héritière Stéphanie à Anvaing, Maria Alexandra de Roumanie was born yesterday. Thank you very much. Hasty Pudding: a baby first, then marriage? The blog is the successor to my eponymous newsletter that I began in 1983 and was published for 25 years. Redux: when the queen mother was a princess, Queen Marie: visit to US was like a dream. ... led by Thaksin Shinawatra who has continued to dominate the electorate even when in self … King Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun (Rama X), with Queen Suthida. Prince Vajiralongkorn was introduced to an aspiring actress Chakriwat, received his bachelor's degree in psychobiology with a chemistry minor, he is currently They have been abandoned and barred from Thailand by their father, Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn Chakriwat Vivacharawongse is on Facebook. It is a closed group so you will need to apply. For your security, we need to re-authenticate you. There has been talk of bypassing Vajiralongkorn for another member of the family, possibly one of his sons, but that talk has not coalesced around a single figure. The sources consulted for this blog include the New York Times, the Chicago Daily Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, the Associated Press, the Washington Post, and The Times. SIPA USA I have been doing the Royal Musings and Royal Book News blogs since 2008. Feodorovna, and their five children found themselves left with a handful of “We are entering a dangerous period,” said a Thai businessman. As many as 40 police and other officials have been cashiered or arrested along with Pongpat and a number of businessmen. “. But the pictures, which ultimately show Srirasmi huddled on the ground with her arms around her son, comforting him before the authorities take him away ostensibly to be sent to Munich to live with his father, may not reflect the real situation, possibly having been taken earlier, and may instead be related to the increasingly dangerous royal succession. Several sources in Bangkok say that Prayuth, who for better or worse staged the best-planned of the 19 coups that have afflicted the country since 1932, has steadily been encroaching on Prem’s territory while King Bhumibol Adulyadej, now 87 and the world’s longest-serving monarch, has largely been made irrelevant by ill health despite his gilded reputation. I also consult books and other materials in my personal library. The marriage was not … What's more, Vajiralongkorn has disowned four of his sons, who are currently living in exile - thereby casting doubt on the blood line of the monarchy. I wrote this piece some years ago for Royalty Digest, and now again available. I have been trying to catch up with the books piled high on my cocktail More information The sons and their mother, pictured with the Crown Prince, above, live in exile Vajiralongkorn is striving to re-establish the power and authority of the royal institution, fully enjoyed by Thai kings prior to the abolition of absolute monarchy in 1932. An ailing king and his unpopular heir-apparent. Gossips in Bangkok say the prince became enraged earlier when he discovered that Srirasmi’s police relatives or allies had been tailing the new princess to keep an eye on her movements. west of Bangkok. After being greeted at the airport by a group of Thai students, the 18-year-old was escorted to the Wentworth Hotel to get down to the business at hand. King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand was born on July 28, 1952 in … Schaumburg... At the beginning of 1917, Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra All the photos come from my personal collection, unless other noted. Well done ( again ). But he also has ties to former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, a billionaire living in exile amid allegations of corruption. Their daughter, Busyanambejra Mahidol, returned to live in Thailand with her father. “Even Germany is worried about the virus [but] it’s none of his business.” Vajiralongkorn’s reign as king began in 2016 following the death of his father, Bhumibol. Dhipankorn, according to reports, was taken away from her and dispatched to Munich, where the prince now lives with his new wife when he isn’t in Thailand. The price is $5.00 (and will be sent to you as a PDF). Their sister lives in Thailand and has royal style. Yet over the past four years, his son, King Maha Vajiralongkorn, has been steadily amassing power, both political and financial. The video is nothing if not surreal. He disowned them and his ex-wife is in exile. Queen Sirikit had wanted someone from her family line to succeed, but she and Bhumibol … Thai king Maha Vajiralongkorn’s ex-wife in exile: 5 insights into Sujarinee Vivacharawongse’s life and legacy South China Morning Post - Dan Williams Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn’s 1996 proclamation of divorce vividly highlighted the alleged crimes of his second wife – and former consort – … He goes to school in Germany. Please credit Marlene A Koenig and Royal Musings. I make pennies off any Amazon sale (not just books) if you enter through one of my book links or the search boxes on the right side of the blogs. I should not say any more or I could get into trouble. Right now, I was supposed to be in Japan d... Dear readers, times flies when you are having fun - but as Luxarazzi is Please. A heartbreaking series of pictures of ousted Thai Princess Srirasmi Akharapongpreecha, the former consort of Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, has appeared on Facebook, showing the princess surrounded by impassive-appearing Thai police and soldiers while her hysterical son, 9-year-old Dhipangkorn, weeps. ... Wanchalearm Satsaksit, in exile in Cambodia. Marlene, do you know much about the situation in Thailand? “I fear for my country. Newspaper stories said US$300 million in gold, jewels, currency and Buddhist statuary had been found in his home. The youngest son (by the third wife, whose family was stripped of titles, etc., due to corruption) is said to have mental and/or physical issues. ... old campus spraying students and faculty with machine gun bullets. will... For more new books about royalty see: History of Royal Women Rosvall Royal Author... My new online article for Readers Digest Canada is about 10 Memorable Royal Dhipangkorn has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to official reports. Thaksin on Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn Nicholas Farrelly - 09 Nov, 2009. It is complicated. Contending factions seeking primacy after his death seem to be working overtime to solidify their positions in a transition that is as opaque as it is vital to the future of Thailand. Do you like discussing the royals or new ... or old books? Just click on the Buy Now link for purchase. Click the link we sent to , or click here to log in. The blog is going to take a break for a They have put out the word that the picture was taken well before the prince got rid of Srirasmi, that she had gone to pick up her son after a ceremony and that the child was merely upset. I have been waiting for you to comment on the situation in Thailand! I'll be closing the comments on Wednesday. table, some to read, some to read and review. You will be amazed by what you can order through Amazon. She is the daughter of Prince … Now available for purchase: a well-researched, footnoted article on the life of Grand Duke Michael Mikahilovich of Russia, whose marriage to Countess Sophie von Merenberg was unequal, but a love match. But most Thai women feel that he has acted very cruelly – she has not appeared in public since Dec. 5. No expectations or obligations when reading Royal Musings or Royal Book News - but if you enjoy either or both blogs, feel free to make a donation. You can, however, provide a link to the blog or to a post on the blog. Although like Srirasmi she is not of royal blood, Nui recently gave birth to a baby boy and presumptive new heir to the throne. He is going to school in Germany. The son from his last marriage, 14-year-old Prince Dipangkorn Rasmijoti, attends school in southern Germany. The treatment of Srirasmi has infuriated many in Thailand who had previously been critical of her because the prince took her as his consort after she was a cocktail waitress in a Nonthaburi lounge and was regarded universally as not respectable. So too has the Belgian monarchy after the former King Albert II admitted to a … Vajiralongkorn’s sister, Maha Chakri Sirindorn, 59, who is said to be favored by Prem, has never married and has produced no children. Given his unpredictability, it is uncertain what he would do if his position were threatened. He and many surrounding the royalty are said to detest the crown prince, who has long been regarded as irresponsible, a womanizer and associate of Chinese gangsters, among other negative traits. It Apparently, many are heavily redacted, but the hundreds of pages of documents … Dipangkorn is the only official male heir now. Vajiralongkorn is thought to be close to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who has been in exile since being overthrown in a 2006 coup. fam... Maria Alexandra de Roumanie was born on 7 November in Bucharest at 8:05 pm. In 2005, her grandfather elevated her to the rank of princess. Vajiralongkorn married for a third time on 10 February 2001, to Srirasmi Suwadee (royal name: Akharaphongpreecha), a commoner of modest background who had been in his service since 1992. There are so many rumors surrounding Prince Dipangkorn, the only son of Vajiralongkorn and Srirasmi. Thanks. While Bhumibol was genuinely beloved by many in the country, his son, King Vajiralongkorn, who was crowned in May 2019, doesn't hold the same moral authority. In 2016, a letter written by Vajiralongkorn’s three sons in 1998 came to light detailing the alleged events. Continue reading →. A heartbreaking series of pictures of ousted Thai Princess Srirasmi Akharapongpreecha, the former consort of Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, has appeared on Facebook, showing the princess surrounded by impassive-appearing Thai police and soldiers while her hysterical son, 9-year-old Dhipangkorn, weeps. Some of my readers may not know that I have another blog, RBN Royal Book News, where I review books about royals and royalty. These extreme punitive measures punctuate the fact that fear once again functions as a controlling device over his subjects, even those … The story at the time was that Narong himself, the son of General Prapas and son-in-law to the PM/dictator Thanom, was in one of the helicopters giving orders to “shoot the rabble.” ... Phin Choonhavan collaborated with Japan and drove Pridi … She is now styled as Princess Sirivannavari. Lewis M. Simons on why Thailand may be headed for even more trouble. wasn't an eas... Friends, it's time for a hiatus. “The miseducation of King Rama X” by Michael Ruffles (30 Aug 2020) is a long and well-researched article on Vajiralongkorn’s time in Australia, from 1970 to 1976, with additional information on the royal family from diplomatic cables kept by the Australian Archives. I enjoy writing and researching and reading. If you read Thai history, the end is always accompanied by tremendous unrest.”. The king disowned the sons years ago. But now sentiment has changed and it is the prince’s action in throwing her out that has scandalized Bangkok. In this case, the factions who do not want Vajiralongkorn to be king face a quandary. Ironically, it is Prem’s forces who are believed to have circulated CDs in 2007 with compromising footage featuring the Crown Prince and Srirasmi at a birthday party in which she appears bare-breasted. Vajiralongkorn met his third wife, Srirasmi Suwadee, when she was working at a bar, and married her in 2001. loyal servan... La Grande-Duchesse héritière, née comtesse Stéphanie de Lannoy, a passé son Dipangkorn has four half-brothers, but they are … On July 12th 1543, King Henry VIII married for the sixth time. You can use the Amazon search box, the stores or the links to purchase items - and every purchase counts! “Most of his legal wife's family has been arrested for money laundering, corruption and lese majeste. But in Thailand’s swirling politics, little is ever clear. of Heinrich XXII, Prince Reuss of Greiz and his wife Princess Ida of Vajiralongkorn (Thai: วชิ ... Sujarinee and her sons moved to the United States, and as of 2007, she was known as Sujarinee Vivacharawongse. “The position of the heir looks shaky,” said a Thai business source with connections to the palace. He is the only officially recognised son of the king. Vajiralongkorn sons were exiled with their mother Yuvadhida Polpraserth after being accused of committing adultery with a 60-year-old air marshal. Srirasmi’s uncle, the now-arrested and disgraced Pongpat Chayaphan, headed the deeply corrupt Central Investigation Bureau, Thailand’s FBI. The new heir to the throne: HRH Princess Elizabeth... BULLETIN: Edward VIII says he will abdicate. You can access Amazon through the book links, my store or the Amazon search boxes. Today, Thailand is under the reign of his son, Vajiralongkorn. What I see happening is that he is forced to abdicate after his behavior embarasses the country one too many times, his sister becomes monarch and his son is named heir.I hope that the sons of the King are allowed to return to Thailand, as it seems that they can be a credit to the country.I hope things work out for the best for all concerned. The new king continues to operate outside the constitutional framework. Or just drop me a note to let me know what you think of this blog. The prince has since officially divorced Srirasmi, who has been forced to abandon her royal title, give up her jewels and take a commoner’s name, Busaba Suadee; she has been dispatched to live in well-heeled exile in Ratchaburi Province, 80 km. Thanks. Have a question you want answered? It is felt that the arrest of Srirasmi’s relatives and associates could not have taken place without the Army’s assistance. Vajiralongkorn -- who spends much of his time overseas -- returned to Thailand this week for a host of royal duties. Or not, course. The Royal Musings - Royal Book News Facebook page is back again. Vajiralongkorn is Bhumibol’s only son. He was a student at The King's School in Parramatta and at Duntroon, the Australian Army's officer training college, from 1972 until 1975. The end of the reign of the king is approaching. Here are three books that No gossip allowed ... You can contact me at royalmusings at cox dot net. I earn a few pennies for every item that is purchased here. Vajiralongkorn previously cut all ties with his second wife and disowned their four sons, who now live in exile in the United States. He was 51 I just might do an entry! She and their sons were banished from Thailand, and stripped of their royal titles. The monarch was forced by infirmity to abandon his traditional birthday message on Dec. 5. while. turning ten this year, we have decided to take an extended hiatus. I still have the Amazon adverts. His father is the king and his mother is under house arrest. castle hunting plans. ... and the disappearance of democracy activists living in exile. Not a lot, Maureen. Prince of Thailand Maha Vajiralongkorn: The Playboy. Article by Tanyong Flick Classic Wooden Boats Thai Dress King Queen Abandoned Sons Thailand History Pictures Number 10 ... Juan Carlos may have had to step down as king and go into exile, but the Spanish monarchy has survived. Although there have not been any The almost-naked consort cuts the cake and sings songs with Foo Foo the poodle while palace servants fulfill their duties on their knees. Readers can shop for books and other items through Amazon by using my portal. Born on 28 July 1952 at Bangkok’s Royal Dusit Palace, the 64-year-old Vajiralongkorn is the only son of the late King and Queen Sirikrit, and was named successor to the throne in 1972. I've never been there, nor had any urge to go, but the family dynamics played out like a soap opera in the past.I was reading a while back that there were powerful factions wanting the throne to go to his sister who has a great reputation within and without the country. The Sydney Morning Herald has another scoop. “[Vajiralongkorn will] let the Thai people worry about the virus,” wrote Jeamteerasakul, who lives in exile in France. enfance dans le village d’Anvaing, en province de Hainaut. The former actress and entertainer, nicknamed Benz, fled to Britain with the king’s five children after being accused of abuse and fraud – but where is Sujarinee today? Jan 28, 2015 - Vajiralongkorn sons were exiled with their mother Yuvadhida Polpraserth after being accused of committing adultery with a 60-year-old air marshal. Canad... Day 4 of the book tour Hermine Reuss of Greiz was one of the five daughters The prince precipitously kicked out Srirasmi in late November and has since replaced her with his fourth wife, a former Thai Airlines flight attendant now known as Suthida Vajiralongkorn and whose nickname is Nui. Female succession is limited to the absence of male heirs. No visa or entry permit was needed as the only son of Thailand’s king was waved through immigration; a diplomatic passport was packed in case it came in handy. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. The pictures, instead of having been taken by a sympathetic member of the palace staff and uploaded to the Internet, may have been ordered released by forces aligned with Prem Tinsulanonda, the head of the Privy Council, which advises the king on matters of state, the sources say, in an effort to discredit Vajiralongkorn, who has a reputation as a wastrel, and to sideswipe Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, the former chief of the army who masterminded the May 22 coup that eventually made him head of government. Books Royal Book News The World of Royalty Van Hoogstraten Online AUSTRIA Outre le château Edward remains secluded at Fort Belvedere: will he... Duke of York issues statement denying rift with br... Will we see an engagement by the end of the year. Previously, despite his health, a birthday message has been released even if he was not able to give it himself. Vajiralongkorn’s estranged sons, Juthavachara, Vacharaesorn, Chakriwat and Vatcharawee — who live in exile in the United States with their mother SujarineeVivachawonsge, née YuvathidaPolpraserth — have been banned from coming home. Other sources say the stories of shadowing the new consort are not true and that there are other reasons behind Srirasmi’s ouster. A highly decorated officer in the Thai military, Vajiralongkorn attended Australia’s Royal Military College, Duntroon, and trained with British, Australian and US armed forces. To other members of... Royal Diplomatic Reception returns to Royal palace says he will.. For even more trouble new heir to the blog or to a post on the blog consult... Or new... or old books what you think of this blog very cruelly – she not! Their mother Yuvadhida Polpraserth after being accused of committing adultery with a 60-year-old air marshal group so you need... 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