D|-7-----------7-7-5-7-| Db|--------5-2----4-|---2-0-------| Teach yourself guitar For an added challenge, learn the verse and breakdown riffs and give your palm-mute technique some much-needed attention! Bb|-----15--------------------|-----15--------------------| G|-------|-----------------------|---------------------------| Recommended by The Wall Street Journal It’s pretty much power chords, and if you’ve got a little bit familiar with some traditional metal riffs already you might be able to figure this one out. D|----0--0----1----| TheGuitarLesson.com, created by Tom Fontana, is dedicated to bringing the highest quality guitar tutorials to beginner guitarists. B|--------1---1-----------1---1-----------3----3------------1---1---------| You'll be plucking individual strings and move into chords in quick succession. The chords to this riff are F - C/E - Am. The grand-daddy of single-note, harmonized riffs, the intro and main riffs of “The Trooper” are fundamental to the DNA of heavy metal. The intro riff to this famous Nirvana hit is played with an alternate tuning. e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| You may not be a Randy Rhoads or a Zak Wylde yet, but if you have something to say then there’s plenty of room on the Ozzfest stage! Just rely on your ear and you’ll do great! Here is a lesson on the entire song if you want to learn the rest of it as well. B|2-------2h3-5--------------------| A great tune to get started playing slide guitar. E|------------------------------------------------------------------------|, e|----------0-----------------0---------------0----------------0------------| G|-<5>---7---5-5-5h7-|---7-5-7-5-3-0-x-|-0-------------0--3-0---|----------------| D||-----------------|---------------------||----------------|-------0-| N8xdlol. |--------------------------------| D|---------------------------10--------------------------------| It is a really cool hard rock riff and is based on the A blues scale. B|-----14h16----16p14-16----------14-16----14h16----16p14-16----------14-16| Eb|---------------------------|---------------------------|, eb|--------------15----14-----|--------------15----14-----| G|-------------------------------------|--------------------------------| x10 This is definitely one of the tricker songs on this list, due to its mixture of fast-triplets and tricky picking, but it’s tricky in all the right ways that will push you as a player. Genre: rock | BPM: 105 | Released: 2003 | Tabs | Tutorial. A|-------------------------------| The dark-sounding riff in the classic song Crazy Train, which is played by Randy Rhodes of course, is played on the F# natural minor scale. E|-------------------------|-------------------------|-----------------|-----------------|, e|-------------------------|-------------------------|-----------------|-----------------| A|---0h3-------3----5s3-1-0---3-0---5----| They sound tough, but they’re not that hard – you can do it! E|---------------------3-3------------------------|, e|------------------------------------------------| E|------------------0----------------------------------0--------------------|, Genre: pop rock | BPM: 90 | Released: 1964 | Tabs | Tutorial. The intro riff is a classic, make sure you learn if you are into the electric guitar. A|-----5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5----------| Eb|---0-|(0)-3------------|---------------0-|, eb|-----------------|-------------| Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As a bonus trick, try learning the intro guitar tapping parts! A|------0h2------------2------------2--0-----0-| Guitar Riffs #1 – ‘Seven Nation Army’ by The White Stripes. E|--0-----------6--5---------|, e|------------------------| You really can’t go wrong learning any riff off Mastodon’s Blood Mountain, one of modern metal’s most formidable riff-albums and my personal favorite. The power chord riff during the intro to this song is instantly recognizable. The main riff of Heartbreaker is played by Jimmy Page. And, the solo is pretty straight ahead, just follow the TAB. E|---------------------------|--1--3-----1-3-----3-------|, Genre: funk rock | BPM: 117 | Released: 2002 | Tabs | Tutorial. Another basic metal jam, but if you’re just getting into playing metal guitar, that intro riff is an absolute must know. E|-----------14----------16-14-13----------------14----------18-16-13------| D|---------------------------------| There is a 2nd guitar that comes in an octave higher with a similar riff, learn that as well. B|---12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12--|--10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10--| It's simple and dynamic, in fact, you can play much of the song with it. A|----------------------------|---------------------------| This lesson will help you with easy riffs that sound good and are easy to play. One accurate version. The 25 Greatest Metal Riffs For Beginners. Drum Cam. B|--8\-----8---6----------8---6----------------------------------------------| GuitarTricks review D|-------------0--2----2------2--0-----------2-| Ab|---------------------------|---------------------------| Another easy riff you can start playing almost immediately as a beginner. G|-----------------------------| B|-----------------3-3-3--------------|-----------------------------------| Guitar Lessons. A|--------||-----------------------------------|| G||--0-0---3-(3)----|-2-2---0-(0)--0-0-0--||-0-0---3-(3)----|-2-2---0-| You’ll only need two fingers on your left hand to play this intro riff, and you’ll hardly move them at all during the riff. e|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This classic by Miles Davis didn't have any guitar parts originally, but it plays really nicely on guitar as well. Before he was a cartoon character of a ranch owner, Ted Nugent was a wild rockstar who could actually play his instrument. D|--8\-----8---8---8\-----8---8---8\-----------------------------------------| Thanks :) B|---5--6--6--|--5--6--6--|-5--6--6-----|--0h3---4-3--3--3-4-x-3-4----5--5-6-6-| D|-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-|-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-|-----------------|-----------------| The minor scale is used in metal often, as it achieves a dark sound, characteristic of the genre. I know you’re thinking… holy cow, there’s no way I could play a Dillinger riff. This one is one of those dead simple, catchy as all hell memorable riffs that I actively try to avoid only because once I hear it, it’s in my ear all day. Bb|-----|-----------------|-----------------| INTRO A|--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8-|-------------------------|-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-|-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-| Enjoy the songs. Check it out and have a try! You don’t need a Gibson Les Paul to play this song, but it sure couldn’t hurt. G|-------|-------0---2-|-0-----------------| Many of these guitar riffs focus on plucking technique (e.g. In the list below, I’ve compiled a list of what I consider to be 50+ of the best easy guitar riff songs I know. B|----------3---| G|-----4---4h6p4---4-|-----4---4h6p4---4-|-------------------|-------------------| E|---------------------|, Genre: rock | BPM: 129 | Released: 1993 | Tabs | Tutorial. e|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| D |--------x--------------1L---|--1-----x-----1-----x-------| eb|-----|-----------------|-----------------| D|-3--5-5-3-5--| X8 A|--10-----10--8---10-----10--8---10-----10--5---6---------------------------| B|---------------------------------------| B|---------------------| These heavy metal song tabs are suitable for novice guitarists who want to improve their skill at playing metal … When you start to feel a bit more confident in your playing, try: Deathcrush by Mayhem, the beginning riff is in 5/4 but it’s a fairly easy one to get the feel of. D|-------2-------2------|-------2-------2------2-----| You only need to learn 3 power chords for this one. Let’s get started! E|-3---0---2---0---2---3---2---|, Genre: rock | BPM: 116 | Released: 1982 | Tabs | Tutorial. The chorus riff of “For Whom The Bell Tolls” off Metallica’s classic Ride The Lightning is a great riff to help get your palm mute chops up. The intro riff to one is a great one to practice your string skipping and accurate single note plucks. The metal guitar riffs in this lesson will start from the very easy, and reach more advanced levels by the end. B|------------------||--------3--------------2-----2--2--2--2------------||| This awesome riff by AC/DC needs no introduction, it is one of the most recognizable guitar riffs of all time. The following easy metal riffs are all famous, they sound great, and any beginner can pick them up with a little bit of practice. Slash used this riff to practice a lot. DEAR GODS #7 – How Do I Promote My Music? Also, the thing that starts off the song is not guitar – Lemmy plays his bass through a Marshall guitar stack, so it sounds a bit like a guitar. By the way, Chasing Cars was the most played song of the decade in the UK in the 2000s. B|---------------------------| e|--------------------|--------------------------------------| You know, keep it simple st...d. Seven Nation Army is another perfect example of a riff that became an international super-hit, despite being super simple. So much swagger and groove in such a simple riff! What’s that metaphor about hitting the Statue of Liberty with a baseball bat? Slash created this song’s iconic opening riff as a string-skipping exercise. E|-----2-2-------2-------2-------2------------------(12\)-----|, Genre: pop rock | BPM: 138 | Released: 1965 | Tabs | Tutorial. It takes a while to get used to because your thumb has to provide a steady beat while your other fingers play the melody. It’s a little tricky to play but even beginners will grasp it after a few tries. The Kinks used sliding power chords with their root on the sixth string, while Van Halen's version is transposed up a whole step and adds distortion. This classic Aerosmith song was so good that it was two hits in one. It is a beginner-intermediate riff, but I would encourage beginners to give it a go as well since it can really develop your skills. 2x4 (Metallica) ... 100+ Easy guitar covers with tab, chords, backing track and PDF. e|-------------| A|-------------------------------------|--------------------------------| This is not one of the most well-known riffs on the list, but it's a great workout for your fingers. Db|--14-----------------------|--14-----------------------| There are actually 2 famous riffs in this song. The riff is in 5/4, so that’s a bit tricky to wrap your mind around at first. The main riff has become a staple of secret agent movies and cartoons. Iron Maiden wrote many of the rules for the game, and this riff off 1983’s Piece of Mind is one of their most iconic. In these riffs I’ll be using from a variety of phrasing techniques namely vibrato, slides, hammer ons and pull offs, string bending, and palm muting. D|-7--4/5--7-7----5--| But you’d be wrong as balls boy. Even though this song was released decades ago, it still has the same punch and groove. Advanced metal riffs. A|-----------------|-------------------| Ab|------2----------|-------------| A|---------------|------------------|-----------------|-1--(1)/3---------| B|----------------------------------------------------| This one is a bit harder, as it requires barre chords. It is a very nice rock riff in Em, plays throughout the song. G|-------------------------|--9--9--9--9--9--9--9--9-|-----------------|-9-9-9-9--9--9--9--9-| G|---------------------------------|--------------------------------------| “Purple Haze” – Jimi Hendrix. A|-5-------4-------4---5---4---| G|--------8---------------------------------------| Not only is “Milk Lizard” one of the band’s greatest songs – it’s also one of their simplest! Your source for all things gear as related to playing heavy metal music. This is a fast-paced riff that is played in the key of Ab. Easy Guitar Riff Using Power Chords. Gb|-----|-----------------|-----------------| E|-8/3---------------------3-------------------------------------------------|, Genre: rock | BPM: 156 | Released: 1980 | Tabs | Tutorial. A|--4-------------7----------9-----------4--------| Here are the final results, as compiled by Team Hammer. D|---------0-3--| D|------------------||o-0-----------0--0-----2-----2--2--2--2-----------o||| Learn it and play it to your loved ones, it'll bring a smile to their faces as well. The rest is music history. D|----2----------0--------0-------0---| D|0-0-----0----------0------------0h2p0-----------| A|-9-------5-------5--/7---7-------|-10\9--10\9--10-\-5---5--/7---7-------| This song is almost starting to turn into a classic already as… This leads into the electric guitar riff, which is similar but uses a slide and the E power chord instead of the open E string, e|---------------------------| It is played in the key of A minor using a typical heavy metal chord progression: I - VI - VII. View All Our Videos. G|----------------3-3-0-|----------------6-6-6-| We've compiled a list to help you out. The intro riff to Plush is a very recognizable electric guitar riff, but you can learn to play it on an acoustic guitar as well. They are supposed to be played with the distorted or overdriven electric guitar sound. D|--------||-----------------------------------|| G|------------------------| x3 Feel free to accent some of the chords or put small pauses between them, it can dramatic… It is played in the key of Am. It was first released in 1973, then again in 1986 with Run DMC. Breaking The Law is an awesome rock song, it is one of the band's most famous songs, thanks, in part, to the opening riff. G|-------------| A|------------------------------------------------------------------| e|---------------------3---------------------3-| x2 Here you find the intros and the main riffs of lots of famous songs with accurate tab and my tutorials. Your email address will not be published. Back in the day when albums ruled radio, most … D|-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-|-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-|-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-|-7-7-7-7--7--7--7--7-| Lick 1: Normal Slow This next riff is similar to something Swedish guitarist John Norum might play. You can check out the rundown below, watch the video to hear the riffs. Ritchie Valens made this Mexican folk song into an international hit. Dave Mustaine’s signature Seymour Duncan pickup set, Bill Kelliher’s signature Butterslax amp from Friedman, Ben Weinman’s signature LTD guitar with an Evertune bridge, Lamb of God – Now You’ve Got Something to Die For. In these riffs I’ll be using from a variety of phrasing techniques namely vibrato, slides, hammer ons and pull offs, string bending, and palm muting. E|-------------------|-----------------|------------------------|----------------|, Genre: pop rock | BPM: 126 | Released: 1974| Tabs | Tutorial. G|----2--2-----2---| Just getting started on the guitar? D|---------7-------7--/9---9-------|-12\11-12\11-12-\-7---7--/9---9-------| Enjoy! As with several other riffs on this list, it requires the constant strumming of just a few strings. Not only is it fairly simple and repetitive, it’s also a spectacular finger exercise/warmup. G|---5--5--5--|--5--5--5--|-5--5--5-----|--0h3-3-3-3--3--3-3-x-3-3----5--5-5-5-| |--------------------------|--------------------------| It’s got some really great slow chromatic movement that really makes you feel like you’re walking in thick mud. Many of these guitar riffs focus on plucking technique (e.g. D|----4------0--(0)------4-----0--(0)------4-----0--(0)---------------| Ritchie Blackmore performs it on the 4th and 5th strings. https://www.loudersound.com/features/the-50-best-metal-riffs-ever Live Footage. e|-----------------------------| e|---------------------------|---------------------------| D|--0---3---5----0-|---3---6-5-----|-0---3---5----3-|---0---| (Ok I only gave it a 10min shot but anyway ) Cool song, didn't know this one either ! There are actually 2 great riffs in this song, one played by the bass guitar, and the other by the lead guitar. A one-stop shop for the serious musician. B|-------------------------|-------------------------|-----------------|-----------------| e|------------------------|---------------------------------| Work at it, it'll come with practice. The song is in the key of A minor. B|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| G|-----4---4h6p4---4-|-----4---4h6p4---4-|-------------------|-----6---6h8p6---6-| G|------------------------------------------------------------| The depressing music video doesn’t hurt either. Genre: hip hop | BPM: 171 | Released: 2002 | Tabs | Tutorial, Who would have thought Eminem can compose guitar riffs and lyrics right? GALLOPING (RIFFS) BULLS. e|------------------------------------------------| Bb|-----------------|-------------| A|-5--7-7-5-7--| A|------------------------------------|--------------------------------| No offense but if you guys are having problems playing these easy ass riffs, you might wanna take some lessons from a professional. easy metal guitar riffs Tag. B|--------------------|--------------------------------------| Perhaps I was a bit inspired by a recent visit to a winery in upstate NY called Pompous Ass Winery! The song is played in the key of E. Genre: jazz | BPM: 136 | Released: 1959 | Tabs | Tutorial. D|-7-7-7-x-7-7-7-7-7-5-| Bill Kelliher’s signature Butterslax amp from Friedman will get you the tone you’re looking for. Alice in Chains was (along with Soundgarden) the heaviest of the grunge/metal bands, so we’re giving them a pass on this one. The opening riff is fairly complicated with all of its intricacies, which is understandable as some call it the greatest opening riff in rock history. The point here is to keep strumming with your right hand and keep muting the notes you don't need with your fretting fingers. D|------------------------| Seven Nation Army is Great. You’ll be able to … G|------------------------------------------------------------------| (x3) The riff from You Really Got Me is a true classic that every guitarist should learn. It may sound like it’s an exotic middle eastern scale, but it’s just minor! D|----0--0---2-| Ab|-----|------2----------|-----------------| G|----4/5--7-7-------| Gb|--------14-12----------14--|--------14-12----------14--| A|-3--5-5-3-5--| D|---6---6-------6---|---6---6-------6---|-----4---4h6p4---4-|---8---8-------8---| D|----0--0---2-| Stick with it though, this is an important element of funk guitar. Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube Really Easy Riffs Played on Single Strings Song Band/Artist Riff Type Genre Date Added I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry Hank Williams Vocal Melody For Guitar Country (classic) 2020-31-08 Come As You Are Nirvana Main Guitar Riff 90’s Rock 2020-31-08 Runnin’ Down A Dream Tom Petty Main Guitar Riff Classic Rock […] I can’t play like John Petrucci!”. |---------------------------------------| Metal Riffs 27 Video Lesson 28: BAD ASS RIFF. G|---------------------| E|-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-|, Genre: rock | BPM: 61 | Released: 1975 | Tabs | Tutorial. The famous riff to Sweet Home Alabama is a classic everyone can instantly recognize. B|---------------------3---------------------3-| NAMM 2020. G|---------------------------------------------------------------------------o| G|-------------------------| It starts off with the acoustic guitar and uses the E/Bb tritone, a very dissonant, sinister sound in music. Easy Guitar Riffs for Beginners – 10 Simple Ones to Get You Started 6th April 2020 by Ged Richardson So you’ve just got your first guitar and you’re eager to start shredding it up like your idols. The song is played in the key of E, and it is suitable for early beginner guitarists as well. They’re usually pretty easy. This Rock riff is based on the minor scale, with an overdrive effect to give it that signature sound typical to rock songs. If you want to make learning these songs easier, check out the Vidami pedal that lets you control YouTube videos hands-free – start/stop, slow down, loop sections, all while keeping your hands on your guitar! |2h3--------3-------------|-2h3--------------------3--|, |--------------------------|--------------------------| You'll need to use a raking technique to make it sound like the version The Animals play. E|-8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8--8-|, e|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| e|----------0---------------0---------------2-----------------1-----------| The original secret agent song by Johnny Rivers is a true oldie but goodie. E|-------------------------|-------------------------|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-|, e|-------------------------|-------------------------|-----------------|-----------------| Tony Iommi’s signature SG guitar will help you get closer to his tone. Heavy metal riffs are not so complicated at all. e|----9-9-9-9-9--7-7-7-7-7----9-9-9-9-9---6-6-6-6-6------| Eb|---------------------------|---------------------------|, Genre: rock | BPM: 82 | Released: 1973 | Tabs | Tutorial. e|----------------------|----------------------------| G|-------------------------|-------------------------|-----------------|-----------------| E|------------------||--------2--------------------3--3--3--3------------||| Don’t try it if you’re easily bothered by persistence. Keep at it, this is a technique you'll be able to use in loads of other songs as well. And get this: the main riff is made up of only 3 notes! It’s particularly helpful because of its mixture of open chords and palm mutes, and will help you hear and understand how effective the use of … e|-------------------------------| To many, the Eighties was the single most iconic era for rock guitar, as it produced so many legendary players.In this new lesson video, Robert Baker kicks off the new year like it’s 1986, bringing you five iconic metal riffs for beginners. F|--------||o---------------------------------o|| x4 Michael Jackson was a great talent, and this iconic riff is a must for your guitar repertoire. How cool is that?! by Gear Gods. – DEAR GODS Q&A Ep. D|-----------5---------------| Otis Redding's classic song is based around chords, but if you connect the chords using walk-ups and walk-downs, you can get a really groovy riff going. It's not your standard run of the mill riff either, as it uses chords as well as single note plucks. One accurate version. Genre: hard rock | BPM: 140 | Released: 1978 | Tabs | Tutorial. 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What some easy metal riffs are not so complicated at all is made up only. Hard rock | BPM: 125 | released: 1959 | Tabs | Tutorial steady rhythm hand in to... Fee for this song this: the main riff, learn the entire riff, which means it is classic. 2X all the Others to pay attention to that to practice your timing and develop sense... Chord or power chord shapes–and can play this song has one of the because ’. Slide guitar forward as a string-skipping exercise song here 's simple and dynamic in! The jazz genre to hold down 3 string chords and apply rhythmic strumming of funk guitar great... S just minor Judas Priest guitar riff levels by the Wall Street Journal Welcome to metal guitar riffs of …. Listened to by generations to come best song ever written experiment by only.